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Page View Navigation in SAPUI5/Fiori using Routing Technique

Updated May 18, 2018

Please follow the step by step procedure with proper diagrams in order to navigate from one page view to another page view in SAP UI5/FIORI using routing technique

Step 1) First create a new view and provide text/any screen element and adjust code as shown below:

Right click your view folder of your project
click on new SAP UI5 VIEW with type XML
provide view name for ex: third

<Page title="Title" navButtonPress="onNavBack" showNavButton="true">
<Text text="THIS IS THIRD VIEW" />


Step 2) Open manifest.json file and open with "App Descriptor Editor"
then open Routing Tab:
and click on ( + ) Routes
provide Name = third
provide pattern = UserSet/{objectId}
CLICK ON Target , and provide Target = third

Step 3) Now open Manage Targets: click on add (+)

Provide target name = third
provide view name = third
provide view id = third
provide view level = 3
provide view type = XML

Note : After saving the Routing code is updated under manifest.json file

Step 4) In secondview ( i,e object view.xml ) , create button and assign gotothirdEH eventhandler

<Button text ="goto third View" press="gotothirdEH" />

Step 5) Now open objectview related controller and add the code shown below:

gotothirdEH : function (oEvent)

_showObject : function (oItem)
/* this.getRouter().navTo("third", {
objectId: oItem.getBindingContext().getProperty("Userid")



Step 6) Open third.controller.js and adjust below code under top section just by adding History parameter

], function(Controller, History) {
"use strict";

Step 7) Open third.controller.js and implement back functionality

onNavBack : function()
var sPreviousHash = History.getInstance().getPreviousHash(),
oCrossAppNavigator = sap.ushell.Container.getService("CrossApplicationNavigation");
if (sPreviousHash !== undefined || !oCrossAppNavigator.isInitialNavigation())
} else {
this.getRouter().navTo("object", {}, true);


Note : important lines which we need to observe
this.getRouter().navTo("third", {}, true);
