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Pega Interview Questions and Answers 2020

Updated Jan 13, 2020

Q.1) What is Pega?

A business process management (BPM) software, PEGA is developed using Java. It eliminates the need to code software, besides automating manual work.

Q.2) What is a harness in Pega?

Harnesses in Pega is used to define the look and processing of user forms in any application that is necessary for the creation of work items and the processing of assignments.

Q.3) How to create a work object in Pega?

The steps to create work objects in Pega are-

  • Add a button such as a section or a header.
  • Expand the cell property within the button and click on the action tab.
  • To the button, add an action set.
  • Add focus class as well as flow name to the button.
  • Catch the present work object ID with “Param.prevRecordkey”.
  • Using “Obj-Open-By-Handle”, open the case
  • Using Page-Copy, copy the data from pagers.


Q.4) What is case management in Pega?

Case Management in Pega allows an organization to quickly model and take care of multifarious case logic, without writing any programming codes.

Q.5) What is PRPC in Pega?

PRPC or PegaRULES Process Commander is a core component of the Pega software product created by Pegasystems Inc (PEGA).

Q.6) What is an assignment in Pega?

An assignment in Pega is a break in the flow and it denotes the need for an external system or a person to act on a work object so that the flow can resume.

Q.7) What is ruleset in Pega?

A RuleSet in Pega is a collection of rules of business that defines an instance. The ruleset is an essential subset of PegaRULES that is necessary to reference instances in the database.

Q.8) How to create workbasket in Pega?

The steps to create a workbasket in Pega are-

  • Click on Record
  • Select Workbasket under the Organization category.
  • Right-click on Create.
  • Indicate a name to identify the workbasket instance.
  • Assign a name to convey the purpose and content to the users.

Q.9) What is parallel processing in Pega?

Parallel processing has various levels in Pega. The system-level allows every user to operate such as a process on one or multiple nodes in Java Virtual Machine. At the business process level, the Split-Join, Spinoff, and Split For Each shape ensure parallel processing. In a single user session, the external systems connections work are parallel to each other.

Q.10) How to open an exercise system in Pega?

You can open an exercise system in Pega using a to the Pega 7 designer studio that opens in a new window.

Q.11) Explain case management in Pega?

Case management in Pega enables a user to adapt to the unpredictable, event-driven or automatic changes in a case and its processes. It pools real-time adaptation with unique solutions for every case to suit ad-hoc additions. It also saves the case as a template for the future application. The advantages of

Pega case management are-

  • Improve the processes of case management with holistic support.
  • Increase the efficacy of case-flow for automatic and dynamic response.
  • Ensures consistency and removes errors with context-based and real-time management.
  • Lessen time, costs and effort needed to implement case management.

Q.12) What is an activity in PEGA?

An activity in Pega is a basic sequential processing unit of Process Commander system that contains a sequence of steps with a method or an instruction.

Q.13) Explains the difference between activity and utility in Pega?

In Pega, an activity indicates a sequence of automated business logic which follows the rule of Rule-Obj-Activity while Utility is a type of use of an activity that refers to a shape in the Pega flow.

Q.14) What is SLA in Pega?

Service Level Agreement rules or SLA in Pega is an important feature that defines the intervals of time between deadlines and goals, in order to set a standard to resolve work in the application.

Q.15) How to trace SLA in Pega?

The steps to trace SLA in Pega are-

  • Terminate the agent.
  • Delay it.
  • Initiate the agent.
  • Delay it again.
  • In the requestors, select the delayed requestor and click on the tracer.
  • Send this case to a particular assignment containing the SLA within 60 seconds.

Q.16) What is work-pool in Pega?

A working pool in Pega is a collection of the work objects, both open and resolved, as well as the work- classes that a user is able to enter in an application, determined by the system from a list of class groups.

Q.17) Describe the Access group in Pega?

An access group in Pega is an example of Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup class that creates a set of RuleSet for the requestors. The developer defines access groups and assigns them to different users.
