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Prevent deleting TSCO tasks of notifications

Updated May 18, 2018

How to prevent deleting TSCO tasks of notifications?


In order to avoid deleting TSCO tasks of notifications, you have to create a user status profile and a user status which will prevent deleting the task. Then assign the user status profile to the related notification type.

Please follow the steps below:

  • First, create a user status profile in BS02 and assign object type 'Tasks'.
  • Now create 2 users status

  • One will allows completing tasks and deleting tasks 

  • The other user status will be set once tasks are completed. It will prohibit deleting tasks.

  • Now assign the user status profile to the notification type. Customizing path t-code QCC2 -> Quality Notifications -> Notification Processing -> Status Management -> Define Status Profile -> Status Profile for Notification Type :

After performing all the setting above the result will look like as shown below:

  • First please create a new notification in transaction code QM01.
  • Now create a task. It is a system status is TSOS and user status is dele.

  • Complete the task: The system status will become TSCO and user status will become NODE.

  • Now when you try to delete the task. A status error will popup which will avoid the deletion.
