Hi All,
I am currently experiencing an issue with mass invoice uploads. I have create a program which reads an excel document with purchase orders. This template is also used within a Mass Goods Receipt program which I have also created.
In the scenario in which I receive an error, the line items of the purchase order is as follows: 1, 2 and 4. The Goods Receipt process works fine, however when I do a Invoice Receipt I get the follow error "Enter a reference to a valid goods receipt (line 000004)". I have managed to detect the problem where the error occurs. In BAPI - BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CREATE, PERFORM importing_data_check, PERFORM itemdata_check, the following function module MMPUR_EKBE_READ_EBELN_EBELP returns data from table ekbe based on the purchase order and po item input. After this a read on the returned table is done, code as follows:
READ TABLE tab_ekbe INTO s_ekbe
WITH KEY ebeln = i_itemdata-po_number
ebelp = i_itemdata-po_item
lfbnr = i_itemdata-ref_doc
lfgja = i_itemdata-ref_doc_year
lfpos = i_itemdata-ref_doc_it.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
e_subrc = 4.
CONCATENATE i_itemdata-ref_doc
INTO f_msgv1 SEPARATED BY space.
PERFORM bapireturn_fill USING 'M8'
CHANGING te_return.
The lfpos field on tab_ekbe contains a value of 3 whereas the field i_itemdata-ref_doc_it(This value is being read from the excel upload file). contains a value of 4, thus going into error as above. I changed the value in field i_itemdata-ref_doc_it to 3, however I now receive the following error "System error: Error in routine MRM_DRSEG_FILL(SAPLMRMH)".
Can anyone help me with a possible solution for this problem?
Apologies for the long post.
Thanks and Regards,