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Profile SAP_ALL, related subprofiles and authorizations get updated

Updated May 19, 2018

PRGN_AFTER_IMP_SUSO_SAP_ALL  Performance Improvement

Hello SAP Experts,

The profile SAP_ALL and all related subprofiles and authorizations get updated while performing the upgradation and changing, deleting, creating authorization objects. And it takes log runtimes. 

I also want to inform you all that previously I have deleted and recreated the profile SAP_ALL and all of the relevant subprofiles and authorizations

Please help me resolve this issue



  • 21 Sep 2016 3:01 pm Nitesh Singh Best Answer

    As the newer determines the requirement and current state and only writes the changes required in the database. And also the generated subprofiles gets numbered with two-digit  in order to improve the sorting for example &_SAP_ALL_01.

    You can take following steps to reduce the runtime of upgradation:

    1. Use Customization switch SAP_ALL_GENERATION = OFF in the table PRGN_CUST in order to deactivate the SAP_ALL regeneration in the after-import method PRGN_AFTER_IMP_SUSO_SAP_ALL.
    2. The update of the user buffers can be postponed till next logon. For doing this you have to set the value of the  profile parameter auth/new_buffering to 3 in transaction RZ10 or RZ11. 

    In transaction RZ11 this can be done during production operation; the parameter default value is again received when the next time you start the system.

    But in transaction RZ10, the new value becomes effective only after restarting the system and it can be retained until you change it, therefore the value must be changed again after upgradation.

    Note: According to update 4. 6B, the parameter auth/new_buffering should have the value 4
