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Delivery Split during Delivery Creation

Updated May 18, 2018

To understand the split reasons displayed in the log, you must know the basic approach of the system during the creation of deliveries:

When you create the delivery, an interim delivery header with the structure LIKP is set up from every preceding item. Using the copying routine for the delivery header, this delivery header is supplied with data from the preceding document and also contains some administrative data. The system now compares this interim delivery header with the delivery headers that already exist and that arose from the supplied items and executes a field-by-field comparison. If all relevant fields correspond, the system checks if the respective partner and address data is the same. If these checks are successful, the new item can be delivered together with the delivery successfully checked for combinability. If an alternative data field is found during the check, this data field is recorded as a split reason in the split log, and the preliminary header is compared with the next existing header. If there is no suitable delivery header during this sequential comparison, the item is delivered in a new delivery, and the comparison header is added to the table with the already existing comparison headers.
As a result of the described approach, there might be several entries with split reasons for an order item in the log, depending on with how many comparison headers the combinability was checked. Therefore, during the mass processing, the split reasons displayed in the log only provide indicators for the possible reason why certain document items could not be supplied together in a delivery.

Whether a split occurs during delivery generation also depends on the type of preceding document: For deliveries with sales order reference, deviating dates are not a split reason. However, for deliveries with purchase order reference, different delivery dates can cause a split.

Different transportation groups lead to the delivery split, the transportation group is copied from the material master of the delivered items to the header of the delivery in the SAP standard system and therefore it acts as a splitting criterion.

Via the copy control, the data is copied from the preceding document to the header of the delivery and therefore acts as splitting criterion.

Split occur due to deviating partners, All partners which stand in the partner schema of the delivery and that are copied from the preceding document or that are determined from the customer master record of the goods recipient are a splitting criterion.
