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Restore/ Generate files in hybris/data/media/folder/sys_master folder

Updated Apr 07, 2020

Hi SAP Experts

When I restarted the server the files and folder in hybris/data/media/folder/sys_master folder is missing and when I tried to access the Product or CMS cockpit bote the Product and the CMS Cockpits are not usable. I don't have any backup at this time.

The above issue can be regenerated by following steps:

  1. First Delete the files inhybris/data/media/folder/sys_master folder
  2. And then Restart the server
  3. Now Access Product or CMS Cockpits
  4. Both Product and CMS Cockpits are not usable

Please provide me with a safe way to rebuild this without losing data, and without initializing the system if at all possible


  • 20 Sep 2016 1:32 pm Nitesh Singh Best Answer

    There are two ways to restore or generate the missing media files in the current design,:

    First is to initialize the system.

    If you choose to initialize the system then it drops existing type definitions from the database prior to rebuilding, so the entire type system is created from scratch. Therefore during an initialization, type system definitions are created to match the type system definition in the  items.xml  files

    Second is to update the system.

    But if you choose the update the system, type system definitions are modified to match the new type system definition in the  items.xml files.First and foremost, the update mechanism makes sure that all data that existed in the system before the update is still accessible after the update.

    Therefore, Please keep in mind the points given below while updating the system:

    • Please update and preserves the column name, to which an attribute was mapped, even if it was changed in  items.xml 
    • Please update and preserves the table name, to which a type was mapped, even if it was changed in  items.xml
    • Please update and preserves the column type for an attribute, even if it was changed in  items.xml
    • Update drops and recreate indices, if they are added or changed in  items.xml
    • Update does not delete any item data, including type instances and type system data (composed types etc.)
    • Update does not drop any tables and columns
    • Update does NOT change the attribute from optional to mandatory, even if it was changed in  items.xml

    It is strongly recommended to use update to restore your media files, If no speical required,

    You can go to hAC-> Platform-> Update, and choose the project data which wanted in this page, media files will be restored.

  • 20 Sep 2016 1:35 pm Romil Tripathi Helpful Answer

    I think the issue is caused due to the missing media files which stored in sys_master.

    And when you access the cockpits it will load the media files directly but physical files. Therefore when the media files are missing, cockpits will be unusable.

    All sorts hybris of media files Commerce Suite supports. A media can be anything that can be saved on a file system, such as a Flash animation file, a text file, a JPEG image, an MPEG video file, a CSV file, and other. A media item in the hybris Commerce Suite is not a physical file, but a reference to that file. Therefore it means all files in sys_master folder are reference files.

  • 09 Jan 2017 2:07 pm Guest

    Can you eloborate more, I want to update 
