Hi All,
please help me with this abap error im new in SAP as a SAP BASIS.
Category ABAP Programming Error
ABAP Program CL_UC_DATASTREAM==============CP
Application Component FIN-SEM-BCS
Date and Time 11.04.2012 06:46:08
What happened?
The exception 'CX_UCI_NO_CHECK' was raised, but it was not caught anywhere
the call hierarchy.
Since exceptions represent error situations and this error was not
adequately responded to, the running ABAP program
'CL_UC_DATASTREAM==============CP' has to be
Error analysis
An exception occurred which is explained in detail below.
The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_UCI_NO_CHECK', was not caught and
therefore caused a runtime error.
The reason for the exception is:
An exception occurred
Information on where terminated
Termination occurred in the ABAP program "CL_UC_DATASTREAM==============CP" -
The main program was "UCUWB000 ".
In the source code you have the termination point in line 172
of the (Include) program "CL_UC_DATASTREAM==============CM003".
142 it_hry_field = it_char_node
143 it_hry_field_attr = it_char_attr_node
144 it_hry_node = lt_hry_node
145 it_hry_attr_node = lt_hry_attr_node
146 i_authority_check = l_authority_check
147 i_keydate = i_keydate
148 it_hry_nodename = lt_hry_nodename
149 it_hry_attr_nodename = lt_hry_attr_nodename
150 i_packagesize = i_packagesize
151 i_cursor_mode = i_cursor_mode
152 importing
153 et_hry_data = lt_hry_data
154 e_end_of_data = e_done
155 et_message = lt_message1
156 changing
157 ct_data = ct_data
158 exceptions
159 no_authorization = 1.
161 if sy-subrc is not initial.
162 move-corresponding syst to ls_message2.
163 raise exception type cx_uci_no_authorization
164 exporting ds_message = ls_message2.
165 endif.
167 if lt_message1 is not initial.
168 loop at lt_message1 into ls_message1.
169 move-corresponding ls_message1 to ls_message2.
170 insert ls_message2 into table lt_message2.
171 endloop.
>>>>> raise exception type cx_uci_no_check
173 exporting dt_message = lt_message2.
174 endif.
can you please tell me if this problem is due to space problem? or maybe to correct this we need to regenerate the data basis or add data files?
Could you please share the solution in more details?