In the two SAP Fiori Apps "People Profile" and "Employee Lookup", the exception /IWBEP/CX_MGW_BUSI_EXCEPTION is written to the SAP gateway error log (transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG) for every call for personnel numbers without employee photo.
And also the system may not display the employee photo in Internet Explorer, whereas in the Chrome browser, the employee photo is displayed correctly.
For the affected employee, no employee photo is stored in the back end. The MIME type of the employee photo uploaded in the back end is different from the hard-coded MIME type "image/jpg".
For employees without employee photo, exception /IWBEP/CX_MGW_BUSI_EXCEPTION is always triggered, even though the existence of an employee photo is not obligatory. This is incorrect.
The display problem in Internet Explorer was caused by the hard-coded MIME type "image/jpg" in the back end. While Chrome was able to render the image file correctly despite the different MIME type, the image file was not displayed at all in Internet Explorer.
It is ensuring that when an employee photo is missing, no exception is triggered. The display problem in Internet Explorer is corrected in such a way that now the hard-coded MIME type "image/jpg" is replaced with the correct MIME type of the employee photo.
In addition, when an employee photo is missing, depending on the gender of the relevant personnel number, a suitable placeholder with male or female silhouette is displayed.