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SAP Forms Service by Adobe and SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe

Updated Jul 28, 2024

SAP Forms Service by Adobe:

SAP Forms Service by Adobe enables the creation of print forms and interactive forms using ADS(Adobe Document Services) and Adobe LiveCycle Designer. It simplifies the process of form generation and distribution.

It ideal for business processes where users enter data into forms and want this data to be automatically transferred to the SAP system. For this purpose, the basic requirement is Adobe Reader as front end to display or fill the PDF form.


  • It is a cloud-based application. It means no SAP system access is needed.
  • You can call the SAP Forms Service by Adobe through the Rest API and generate the PDF forms.
  • It offers seamless integration with SAP S/4 HANA, SAP BTP(Business Technology Platform) and other SAP applications to provide document service.
  • It is used to generate invoices, creating purchase orders and other HR related documents.


  • It saves time and money on the installation of hardware on-site.
  • To meet the business requirement it offers wide range of predefined templates and design tools. You can also merge the templates with current system data to generate documents.
  • It supports various distribution channels such as print, e-mail, fax, etc.
  • It ensures accuracy and consistency by allowing access to data from the SAP system to auto-fill forms.
  • You can modify the forms both online and offline.
  • It is used  by both on-premise customers and in the SAP S/4 HANA cloud edition.
  • It ensures cost saving by reducing the need for paper-based forms and  manual processing.
  • It automates the process of form creation thereby reducing  manual efforts and saving time.
  • It offers auto-fill barcodes, digital signature and built-in syntax checks for form documents thus reducing the chances of errors.
  • It offers easy access to forms and documents from anywhere, anytime. This means the forms are accessible on various devices such as laptop, desktop and mobile phones.

SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe:

SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe  is an on-premise solution that allows the generation of print forms and other PDFs within the  SAP environment. It offers interactive and dynamic form creation and is often integrated with various SAP applications.


  • It allows for creating interactive forms in PDF format, enabling users to fill out the form on screen and save it in XML format. When the SAP system receives the data from the form, it process it.
  • It offers seamless integration with SAP systems, including SAP ERP and SAP S/4 HANA.
  • Users require a licence to use SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe.
  • It is well-suited for detailed, interactive forms that require data integration and user interactivity.
  • It is widely used to gather information from users in an efficient and structured manner.
  • Users can fill the forms offline and once the SAP system is connected, the data is synchronized.


  • It automates the process of form creation and allows you to create template for form layout that include logos and pictures.
  • It ensures data accuracy as the user fills in the information electronically.
  • Adobe Interactive Forms can also be sent as an e-mail attachment.
  • It validates and process the data submitted in the form, ensuring the data is  captured and processed directly within the SAP system.
  • It offers a wide range of templates to streamline the process of form creation.
  • The Interactive and dynamic form elements that adapt to user requirements enhance the user experience.
  • It offers various interactive features such as drop-downs, checkboxes, and radio buttons. The user-friendly tool of the form creation layout simplifies the task, reducing time and saving money.
  • It is used in managing Sales orders, processing customers service requests, gathering customer feedback and responses.

Adobe Forms

Adobe Forms is an advance level of form design. It is an improved version of the existing forms such as Smart Forms and Sap Script. It has more features  then the Smart Form and Sap Script.

The transaction code to open Adobe Editor and start the development is SFP (SAP Forms Process).

There are three main components of Adobe Forms:

  • Interface: Here you declare and define values based on your requirements. The transaction code to create an interface is SE80 or SFP.
  • Context: This is the middle layer between the interface and the layout. Here you can drag and drop whatever information you require. It is basically a link that connect the interface and layout.
  • Layout: This is the place where you can design your forms. You can decide where your logo should be, where the date field should be and how the transactional data  should be displayed. Everything is designed in the layout option.

    If the layout needs some variables or data from the interface, it can be accessed through the interface only. There is no direct communication between the interface and layout.

Architecture of SAP Adobe Forms:

Adobe Forms allows you to create interactive forms where user can enter data, and the data goes directly to SAP. In other words Adobe Forms provides a weblink, enter some data and saves it. The saved data is then directly passed to the SAP.

It is more advanced then the Smart Forms and Sap Script because they don’t have functionality of entering data they can only read data.


Both SAP Forms Service by Adobe and SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe are used for creating, generating and distributing, print forms and interactive forms within the SAP environment.

The main difference is that the SAP Forms Service is more focused on the cloud while SAP Interactive Forms by adobe focuses on customized and interactive form design and data integration.
