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SAP Installation Directories

Updated May 18, 2018

Installation Directories                 D:\usr\sap

\USR directory is created with a shared folder SAP with shared SAPMNT & SAPLOC

                Eg:          \\willsys\sapmnt             ~             d:\usr\sap

SAPMNT:                             Both in Win and UNIX
SAPLOC:                               Only in Windows not in UNIX

These are shared between systems and accessed locally and globally


CCMS    - Used for alert logs that is populated by the service SAPCCMSR
(Java Stack Only)

PRFCLOG             - These are also populated from JAVA Engine
(Generic Request Message Generator GRMG)

PUT                        - is used during upgrade

SID Hosts             - the complete SAP Application Server.

Trans                     - is used to host the Developments

SAPMnt: Is a shared SAP Mount which is used to host the directories related to SAP.
(It may be required to create SAPMnt in earlier versions but in the current versions based on Netweaver it is created automatically)

SAPLoc in Windows
This SAPmnt is shared because it needs to share the transports, support packages, profiles, executables etc between systems in the landscape.

[Dev] ----------> [Qlty] ----------> [Prod]

Installing SAP Component on SOLMAN
On Windows/ SQL Server
On Windows/ Oracle
Windows/ DB2
Linux/ Oracle
HPUnix/ Oracle

Solution Manager connects all the three systems (ERP i.e., ECC6.0, Netweaver & CRM2007)

I. Installation Inputs



Instance Number (Default 00, 01)

Mater Password

JCE Policy

Path for the CDs.

II. Installation Logs Significance

Sapinst_dir (Win, Linux, UNIX)
Sapinst, sapinst_dev, .cmd, log, .tsk, .tpl, .toc, .str.

III. Installation Steps

Kernel (Extraction),
Updated Stats,

Default Users

Unicode - Multilanguage Support
This requires additional 40% of resources.
Earlier case Individual passwords need to be set but now day's only one Master password for all the userids.

Multiple Components on a Single DB repository

A host is either a client or a server. A host has its own address on the network, and is its own machine.

A server has its own address and sometimes multiple addresses. It provides access to services and information.

A client accesses the servers. It requires its own address.

Interface / Screen
Exports/ System Copies
Kernel                  [Dependent]
Install Mstr         [Dependent]
Java Comp          [Independent]
JRE                         [Dependent]
Exports [Independent of OS, DB]

Installation Directories                 D:\usr\sap

\USR directory is created with a shared folder SAP with shared SAPMNT & SAPLOC

                Eg:          \\willsys\sapmnt             ~             d:\usr\sap

SAPMNT:                             Both in Win and UNIX
SAPLOC:                               Only in Windows not in UNIX


These are shared between systems and accessed locally and globally


CCMS    - Used for alert logs that is populated by the service SAPCCMSR
(Java Stack Only)
PRFCLOG             - These are also populated from JAVA Engine
(Generic Request Message Generator GRMG)
PUT                        - is used during upgrade
SID Hosts             - the complete SAP Application Server.
Trans                     - is used to host the Developments

Check the groups


Check the services and ensure that they are running

                1. SAPOSCOL      - Used to collect the OS Resources
2. SAP<SID>_00                - Which is mandatory to start SAP
3. Listener                           - Oracle Listener service should be started on the specified
Port (1521-1529)
4. Oracle Service<SID> which is required for the Database
On UNIX              ps - ef | grep ora*
On Windows      services.msc

Check the USR Directory (SAP Instance files..... App) predefined shared SAP Directory with SharedMnt, (SAPMnt), and SAPLoc on windows

                Run - Cmd - "\\Willsys\Usr"

9.  Trans Directory - Used for transporting the Objects

Note: SID Specifies the Application Server and is possible to have multiple <SIDS> differed by the instance number


SQL> Select status from V$Instance;       Checks the DB Status

SQL> Startup followed by enter key
SQL> shutdown immediate

Note:   Only one SAPOSCOL per system
Max of 97 Systems on a single box           98-99 for routing

SAPOSCOL_00   - ABAP Instance
SAPOSCOL_01   - JAVA Instance

Note: Each SID uses different Ports

Note: In the console tree of SOLMAN if all the three entries (SERVICES, USERS and GROUPS) are available then only we can confirm there are 3 Instances in one single system.

10. <SID> Directory                         \usr\sap\<SID>..........

                Config..... - used to specify the usage types that are installed on the system.

\usr\sap\<SID>\config                                  on a particular <SID>


ERP <SID1>                                         ERP<SID2>

Note: Now-a-days it’s possible to install different engines as add-ons.

11. DVEBMGS <Instance Number>

                DVEBMGS00 - is a ABAP Engine
JC00                       - Standalone JAVA Engine
SCS01                    - SAP Central Instance
DVEBMGS00 contains J2ee/ SDM/ JSPM directories then it is Integrated Engine (ABAP + JAVA)

Note: Portal is only an application that is not based on ABAP Engine

Eg: Consider Hero Honda Landscape


12. SYS Directory

Contains executables and profile parameters to start and stop the system

EXE Directory                     - hosts all the executables from netweaver exe dir contains   
UC/ NUC and 32/64, i386/ ia64

In 4.7 we can see only exe directory

13. Work Directory

                This stores the startup and error logs
