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SAP_CUST Profile for Newly Created Clients

Updated May 18, 2018

We have installed a new system. 

For client copy, we use SAP_ALL in this new client 310 .   

Then we happen to saw this SAP Doc 550894. 

SAP suggest using SAPCUST as the client copy profile.   

Is there any workaround to revert our action? 

As in our client 310 we have setup tool and configure revtrac, but current the system is not open to being use yet.     

Your guide is very much appreciated.   

Thank & Regards,


  • 30 Jul 2010 12:17 pm rekha Best Answer
    SAP_CUST profile contains only that data which you can use for customizing your data. 
    SAP always recommends using of SAP_CUST profile for all the newly created clients. But, it is upto your business requirement that you select the profile. 
    After creating ur first client, you perform a client copy from client 000. 
    That is., you are copying the master data into your client. But in later scenarios, when you have multiple clients in the system, in that case, you will perform a SAP_ALL client copy so that all the data in client x is copied to new client y. If you want to rever it back., than you can do it by deleting the client 310, create it again, and go ahead with client copy of SAP_CUST profile
