Hello SAP Experts,
When performing database accesses using database tools such as BRARCHIVE, BRBACKUP, BRSPACE, and BRCONNECT, the relevant authorizations get missing.
The database tools BRBACKUP fails with the following error messages such as:
BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.00 (20)
BR0055I Start of database backup: bddzbuxf.ant 2009-11-10 10.12.35
BR0280I Time stamp 2009-11-10 10.12.36
BR0301W SQL error -1031 at location BrLicCheck-7
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
BR0301W SQL error -942 at location BrbDbLogOpen-1
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
BR0324W Insertion of database log header failed
BR0280I Time stamp 2009-11-10 10.12.37
BR0301E SQL error -1031 at location BrCntrlCopy-1
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
BR0320E Copying of control file to ... failed
BR0314E Collection of information on database files failed
BR0056I End of database backup: bddzbuxf.ant 2009-11-10 10.12.37
BR0280I Time stamp 2009-11-10 10.12.37
BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors
The issue you are facing can be caused due to following reasons are given below: