SAPoffice - Authorizations FAQ's
[1] Question:I wish to create a SAPoffice user, which authorization objects are required?
Answer: For SAPoffice users, you should assign at least the following authorization objects:
- S_OC_ROLE Roll: administrator or user
- S_OC_TCD Transactions
- S_OC_FOLCR Create folders
- S_OC_DOC Archive documents
- S_OC_SEND Send documents
[2] Question: Are there SAP roles for these authorizations?
- SAP_BC_SRV_GBT_ADMIN for the office administrator
- SAP_BC_SRV_USER for the office user
Caution: Check that the S_OC_ROLE = '*' authorization object is not set in the SAP_BC_SRV_USER role. If necessary, correct it manually and set it to the value SPACE.
[3] Question: The S_OC_ROLE object is always incorrectly checked.Which value should I assign to the user?
Answer:The S_OC_ROLE object is checked each time you start the Business Workplace.The system determines whether the user is an administrator or a normal user. Therefore, an incorrect check only means that user may work in the Business Workplace as a normal user. Set the value for S_OC_ROLE to: ' ' for normal users and '*' or 'ADMINISTRATOR' for administrators.
[4] Question: The user cannot send. What should he do?
Answer: Check the settings of the S_OC_SEND authorization object.Which receiver types are set and what is the maximum number of permitted recipients?
This information is also available in the 'Admin.
[5] Question: I assigned the settings from question [4].The user can now send but a message indicating that the user does not have any authorization for transaction S00 is returned for the 'System -> Short message' menu option or the 'New short message' symbol button.
Answer:Give the user authorization for transaction code 'S00' or add this transaction code to the S_OC_TCD authorization object.
[6] Question: The user cannot create a folder in the shared folder.What should he do?
Answer: Set the S_OC_FOLCR authorization object to the value:
'M' to create client folders
'G' to create group folders
To create folders on the first hierarchy level (root folder), you also need the authorization of the Office Administrator.
[7] Question: The user cannot archive any documents.
Answer:For the S_OC_DOC authorization object, set the value to '24' for archiving.
[8] Question: Where do I get further information?
Answer: You can find additional information in the online documentation under HTTP:// -> Business Workplace (BC-SRV-GBT) -> Business Workplace Administration.