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SAPscript: Extended line format '=' for editor change

Updated May 18, 2018

When changing from the PC editor to the line editor, an additional extended line format (paragraph format "=") sometimes appears in the tag column.

Within the PC editor of SAPscript, you enter or change a text and then saved it. You then choose Go to -> Editor to change to the line editor.

When changing from the PC editor into the line editor, a return conversion of the text is carried out from within the editor control (RTF) into the internal SAPscript text format (ITF), to stay compatible with previous SAPscript texts.The RTF character flow is read from the editor control for the conversion per package.
In certain cases, extended lines (paragraph format "=") must be created in the ITF text so as to distribute the text packages of the controls to the maximum line length of the line editor.Because of this, formatting can look a little unusual at first because of the extended lines. However, the text is not incorrect after conversion, that is, characters are not added or deleted (e.g. additional blanks).
In Release 4.6A, the number of the newly inserted lines was minimized.The problem cannot be completely avoided since the editor control packages the character flow differently.For example, the character flow explicitly occurs during a physical line break in the control or with umlauts. The PC editor does not influence this.
Note: Constant switching between the two editors is not intended, (for editor settings, see note 100358, point 10).

