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Difference between .SAR and .CAR Files

Updated May 18, 2018

*.SAR Files vs. *.CAR Files

Hi friends,

My name is Banuprakash, i have doubt on upgradeing kernal. we can download kernal files from sap market place .SAR or .CAR.  what is this extension abbrivation and why some files extension come to .SAr and somefiles .CAR. I asked to one of my friend he told to me ECC5 wil come .CAR after ECC6 it's will come .SAR. is it right or wrong. 

Please tell me..

Thanks & Regards,

G. Banuprakash


  • 06 Dec 2009 8:29 pm Bhaskar Helpful Answer

    In the past SAP developed the tool and named it CAR. The extensions of all compressed files were named ".CAR" as well. In SAP release 4.6C SAP decided to enhance the functionality of the CAR utility a bit. Therefore, the internal structure of the compressed files slightly changed. Because of this, it was necessary to create a new extension. 

    There the new extension ".SAR" was born and the new utility was named SAPCAR. The new SAPCAR utility can work with both formats (.CAR & .SAR). The older version CAR can only decompress .CAR files. 

    So, it is advisable to switch - even in older releases - to the newer toolkit named SAPCAR, because SAP sometimes delivers even for older releases SAR Files already SAPCAR (older version was CAR) is a compress utility (similar to winzip, tar, zip, gz, etc.), that is used by SAP to compress and decompress nearly all delivered files and executables.
