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Small fonts in the Smart Forms Inline Editor

Updated May 18, 2018

When you use very small fonts to display text nodes within the Smart Form Inline Editor, for example 6-point fonts, then the text is illegible in the Editor window.
This problem can also occur in the SAPscript PC Editor.

The Smart Forms Inline Editor for the display of text nodes is a WYSIWYG editor, that is, all character and paragraph formats, in particular also the assigned font styles such as bold, italics and underlined or the font sizes are displayed exactly as they are later printed. If very small fonts are defined within the formats (for example 6-point), then the Inline Editor actually displays this font in the corresponding size.
The Smart Forms Inline Editor integrates an external editor component (Active X control).This control does not allow text zooming within the editor window. In other words:within the control it is not possible to proportionally increase/decrease the text of the active document.
The above information is valid for the SAPscript PC Editor which includes the same external editor control.

As the editor control does not allow text zooming, use the line editor in those exceptional cases where the font is really displayed too small. First press the pushbutton "Text editor" to go to the fullscreen text editor.From there you can use the menu options "Goto -> Change editor" to call the line editor in which all fonts are displayed in a fixed size.
