There are a number of jobs that must periodically run in a live R/3 installation, for example, to delete outdated jobs or spool objects.
You can easily schedule these jobs as follows:
Go to Transaction sm36, choose 'Standard jobs'.
Note: Application-specific reorganization programs are not included in this list.
For Business Information Warehouse (BW) only
(also see the relevant comments below)
Job name Program Variant Repeat interval
yes weekly
SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP is not a reorganization job but is needed to start tools / methods in the system monitoring area in the background -> transaction RZ20/RZ21.
SAP_REORG_XMILOG reorganizes the table TXMILOGRAW. This table contains log information on the XMI interface
As of 4.6A, the job steps are managed separately from the print parameters. This means that report RSBTCDEL no longer deletes any print parameters. Therefore you must additionally schedule the report
which reorganizes print parameters in a cross-client manner. Since the number of print parameters increases more slowly than the number of background processing steps, you can execute this report after longer periods of time ( longer than one month).
You must refer to 307970 in connection with RSBTCPRIDEL.
The job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_NONE_R3_STAT is available as of SAP Web Application Server 6.20 only.
On sapserv3, an improved version of RSPO0041 is available with RSPO1041
In addition, you should regularly run a consistency check of the spooler and the TemSe
Batch input reorganization may not run at the same time as normal batch input activity up to and including SAP 30C . The associated job must be scheduled for a time when no other batch input activity is scheduled.
Caution: The standard job SAP_REORG_UPDATERECORDS that was contained in some delivered versions must no longer be executed . In its new version, the underlying ABAP Program RSM13002 is programmed so that it terminates when running in a job (that is, in the background). Therefore, the job SAP_REORG_UPDATERECORDS always terminates in this case. In any case, the job SAP_REORG_UPDATERECORDS should be deleted from the pool of standard jobs, if it is still there: sm36 -> 'Standard jobs' -> 'Delete standard jobs'. In addition, released jobs that may exist and contain report RSM13002 should be deleted. You can find and delete these jobs using sm37.
Caution: The job SAP_WP_CACHE_RELOAD_FULL is normally used to update data from the workplace component system to the workplace server.
This job can only be run on a workplace server, otherwise, it will terminate. In the future, this job will no longer be delivered as a standard job.
If this job has been scheduled for your system, but you do not need it, delete the scheduled job in transaction sm37.
To eliminate ABAP dumps that are created due to runtime errors within an ABAP program, use the program RSSNAPDL. To simplify the related job scheduling, you also have the program RSNAPJOB. This program schedules RSSNAPDL within a job. Implicit assumptions:
- Job name: RSSNAPDL
- Variant: DEFAULT (therefore it must exist)
- Start date : from the following day, 1:00 am
- Repeat interval: daily
Using the Support Packages specified in 666290, report RSTS0024 deletes job logs that no longer belong to any job. Contact SAP if you need the report in a release that is not specified.
Clients and authorizations
Some of the jobs specified work with client-specific objects (for example, jobs). Whether a reorganization has any cross-client influence then normally depends on particular authorizations. The following table displays all of the client-dependent jobs. All of the other jobs are not client-dependent.
Job name:
Jobs that are not client-dependent perform a reorganization in all affected clients. They require neither special authorizations nor a special user name.
The job SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR must always be scheduled in client 000 with user DDIC or with a user with the same authorization.
For some jobs, note the following correlations:
- If the user that calls RSBTCDEL2 is the batch administrator (that is, authorization S_BTCH_ADM with BTCADMIN= Y), reorganization is carried out in all clients.
- If the user is not the batch administrator, reorganization is carried out in the current client only.Two cases have to be distinguished here:
If the user has authorization S_BTCH_JOB with JOBGROUP = * and JOBACTION = DELE, all jobs that meet the selection criteria are deleted in the current client.
If the user does not have this authorization either, only his/her own jobs are deleted, that is, all jobs in the current client that meet the selection criteria and belong to that user.
Authorization S_ADMI_FCD-S_ADMI_FCD = 'SPAD'
Reorganization runs in chosen client (Client = '*', then runs in all clients)
Authorization S_ADMI_FCD-S_ADMI_FCD = 'SPAR'
Reorganization only in the client in which the actual job is running
Authorization profile S_BDC_MONI - BDCAKTI = 'REOG'
Reorganization only in the client in which the job is running
- This job is only relevant if database system Oracle or DB6 is used.
- In addition, after the introduction of BRConnect 6. 10 Patch Level 11 and
- BW 3.0A, this job should no longer be used.
- The authorizations always relate to the user under whose ID the job is being processed.
- If this user has the necessary authorizations to work in a cross-client manner, then it does not matter in which client the actual job is running.
- User ADMIN has the Authorization S_BTCH_ADM = 'Y'. If Job SAP_REORG_JOBS is now scheduled with User ADMIN, the jobs are reorganized in all clients.
- User REORG has the Authorization profile S_BDC_ALL. If Job SAP_REORG_BATCHINPUT is now scheduled with User REORG in Client 002, the batch input objects are reorganized in Client 002.
- If the job SAP_REORG_ABAPDUMPS is scheduled in any client, all ABAP short dumps are reorganized in all clients.
- User SPOOLADM has the authorization S_ADMI_FCD-S_ADMI_FCD = 'SPAD'. If the job SAP_REORG_SPOOL is now scheduled with user SPOOLADM and client 123 is specified for the program parameters, then the spool objects in client 123 are reorganized irrespective of the client in which the actual job is running. If you enter '*' as the client, all clients are reorganized.
NOTES: The job steps should be planned using a language that is available in the system. English should be available in every system. However, some of these jobs have steps set by default in German. The following is valid until further notice: the jobs must be modified if necessary when, for example, a Russian code page is used.