Stock comparison with LX23
The stock comparison report first reads all IM stocks and all special stocks. In the second step the WM stocks are read and summed up. If a difference then results when a comparison is carried out between the two internal tables, the individual stocks are listed and the difference calculated. A comparison is only carried out if you select the 'Clear differences' check box. The program then creates a batch input session for Transaction MI10. An automatic physical inventory is carried out during the processing of the BI session in the inventory management that adjusts the IM stocks to the WM stocks.
If the stock situation is that the stocks in the inventory management are correct and the WM stocks are incorrect, then this situation can only be corrected using standard means by the differences being cleared in a first step, that is the IM stocks are adjusted to the WM stock, and in a second step in the WM the stocks being corrected by physical inventory count.