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Steps for Support Pack Upgrade

Updated May 19, 2018

Our SAP HR system is 4.7 ext 200 with
SAP-HR ---- SAPKE47045

We want to upgrade EA-HR SAPKGPHB30.

My question is.

Can I upgrade Support pack 27/28/29/30 together in one shot.

how can I find server downtime and data consitency or something else which you think i should take care before applying support pack.

Do you have steps for support pack upgrade.


  • 17 Jun 2009 1:46 am Guest Helpful Answer

    Read note 551688 attentively and especially don`t forget to backup Table T512W before you import the SP. This is the central note and there are a bunch of other notes to consider (which are all in this one).

    Usually HR SPs can be installed all together but read the note to get information whether this is working or not.

    Also I would apply the latest SPAM update and the newest transporttools (R3trans, tp) before applying SPs.

    For runtime this depends on your machine, you database speed etc.

    We do this almost on weekends, the normal users can continue to work since only HR programs are affected.

  • 17 Jun 2009 1:46 am Guest

    1. There is a SAP note to be followed in appling SP. i searching it..will let you know the number.

    2. Take a fill system backup

    3. Better if there is less workload.
