1) Which of the following statements are true regarding the Support packages?
A. Support package replaces an object affected by an error, unlike manual corrections support packages are not recognized as modifications during upgrade and are overwritten.
B. Support packages are to be applied in the correct order by creating a patch queue and required confirmation at each step. SAP support package manager (SPAM) is the sap tool which has to be used for applying support packages.
C. Support packages will alter the user developed programs wherever necessary, which are belonging to any user created namespaces.
D. During the support package application, modification adjustment may be required using SPDD and SPAU. Modifications request appears for every sap standard object which is changed from its original (ex for applying an OSS note. ) Modification adjustment performed once can be transported to other systems in the landscape.
E. Support packages delivered by SAP contain tools and standard advance corrections. A support package eliminates an error in an SAP system
Answer: A, B, D
2) In a system landscape of multiple SAP Instances, how does SAP application take care of data consistency and scalability? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Presentation servers can log on to any application or to a group of application servers, which can be controlled by login load balancing.
B. Message server takes care of controlling the updates, being executed by the individual application servers and well as by the central instance.
C. Several application servers can be installed and each of them configured to create buffers. Application servers communicate with the Central Instance (CI), where CI controls the integrity of the application and each of the apps, takes its share of the load.
D. Message server co-ordinates the updates, which are performed on the central instance.
Answer: A and C
3) What is the role of SAP lock mechanism, how does it help in maintaining the consistency of data in a logical unit of work (LOW). (Choose all that apply.)
A. There exists a lock server on every sap application server apart from the central instance server.
B. The purpose of lock mechanism is to ensure that same data is not modified by two users in the database simultaneously.
C. Lock entries should never be deleted, even if they are several days.
D. Locks are generated automatically according to the definition of the object in the ABAP dictionary. Locks entries in the enqueue table are usually set and deleted automatically when user programs access a data object and release it again.
Answer: B and D
4) Error messages such as 'System panic', 'Not enough core', 'No space left on device', which refer to memory bottlenecks or more precisely a swap space bottleneck are observed in the system log. What could be the causes? (Choose all that apply.)
A. There is not enough free swap space available in the operating system, the swap space in the operating system is consumed, this could also happen due to non-sap application running on the same system.
B. The amount of physical RAM should be twice the amount of the swap space
C. The problem could be with SAP processes, or external processes, the operating system could not allocate any more heap memory, this lead to the stopping of the work processes.
D. The highest value set in the sap profile parameter that limits the swap space usage has been exceeded.
Ans: A, C and D
5) The Internet communication manager as an integral part of the SAP WAS, and it serves which of the following functions? (Choose all that apply.)
A. ICM processes the incoming request using “threads” the threads communicate with the work processes to complete a task.
B. ICM ensures communication between the SAP WAS and the outside world using HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP protocols.
C. ICM generates the Internet server cache to optimize performance when redundant requests.
D. ICM acts like a firewall and ensures that the communication is encrypted and signed with a digital certificate.
Ans: B
6) An asynchronous update is usually used in an SAP Logical unit work (SAP – LUW). How does this process help the users in relevance to updating? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Asynchronous update allows multiple users to update the same record and consistency is verified after the completion of transactions.
B. Asynchronous update uses in an SAP-LUW allows the system to temporarily collect changes made by users and then at the end of the dialog phase, make the necessary changes to the database in a separate update work process.
C. Asynchronous update does not affect the way the database performs an update, the database remains consistent at all times.
Ans: B
7) Snapshots of sm50 show several work processes in PRIV mode frequently. Which of the following this does NOT indicate?
A. Extended memory or the limit for the extended memory should be increased.
B. A few users might be executing queries which high amount of resources, the user context data should be analyzed for resource intensive queries.
C. Transactions ST02 and ST06 should be analyzed for buffer swaps.
D. The swap space at the OS level is not sufficient for the current user load.
E.The work processes currently in PRIV mode are stopped and waiting for resources.
Ans: B
8) What role does SAP memory management play to avoid bottlenecks in the system? (Choose all that apply.)
A. A user request is not processed in just one work process, the user switches in and out of work processes during a transaction, making an optimal usage of work processes.
B. The dispatcher prevents the users from using excessive memory by locking the users after a certain memory limit.
C. SAP memory provides buffer sharing, user context data is not always stored in a local memory, instead it resides in extended memory after using initial roll memory. Extended memory is a configurable amount of common memory area for all the user context data. This feature provides efficient memory usage.
D. When the context of a work process changes, the user context is not copied, instead it is assigned to alternating work processes by mapping operations. Less data is copied and mapping is not work-intensive. This improves response times and is resource efficient.
Ans: A, C and D
9) An error occurred in the Oracle database, which makes the database unusable, ex. A user deletes a table from the database. How would you correct such an error? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Restoration of the database can be a solution, provided it is followed by a point in time recovery, however, there can be a data loss, any changes which were made to the object from the break down moment would be lost.
B. Lost data and the table can be recovered by creating the table and data can be loaded into the table using programs.
C. In general, you cannot use the Oracle Export/Import tools to recover a lost SAP object. The reason for this is that the SAP database tables are often shared system-wide. A user cannot import the ATAB (central control table) to recover an individual SAP table, for example, as this would risk overwriting the work of other users.
D. An object from the ABAP Dictionary or the ABAP Repository is involved. The ABAP/4 Dictionary and the correction system both perform version backups of these objects within the SAP System. If you can carry on working with that version of the object (ideally, the object has not been changed recently), then you can restore it.
E. You had exported the table earlier using the SAP utility R3trans, thus backing it up. You can use this copy to restore the condition of the table at the time of the export. (Take into account possible database inconsistencies).
Ans: A and C
10) An error occurred in the Oracle database after which the Oracle instance stopped responding. This failure can happen due to CPU or memory overload or due to hardware failure also. The following points are true in such a situation. (Choose all that apply.)
A. Oracle database will need an instant recovery after a restart, this recovery will be performed automatically by the system recovery (SMON) if the file system is intact.
B. Only Transactional data of the SAP application involving an update will be lost, other transactional data will be retrieved from the SAP extended memory.
C. All transaction data involved in the SAP transactions which is not saved by the user will be lost.
D. Database administrator intervention may be required for the recovery if the file system is not intact i.e. if control file, data files or redo log files are not available.
Ans: A, B and D
11) The transaction for update management (sm13) displays a number of records with status “error”. What could be the probable reasons? (Choose all that apply.)
A. The system is too busy with a batch loading process and hence could not perform any updates.
B. Many users are in the middle of executing transactions and did not press the save button yet.
C. By selecting the error record in the update management, the relevant error information recorded in the update header can be displayed. Isolated local problems are usually errors in update function modules or in the associated programs.
D. There could be a problem affecting the entire database, the update problem would be resolved when the system error is eliminated.
Ans: C and D
12) How can we judge whether the Oracle database performance is good and if there is any scope for improvement? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Transaction ST03 gives a snapshot and historical information of the performance data, the database time is displayed in the overall response time, the database time should not exceed more than 40% of the total response time.
B. A snapshot of the OS also indicates the free CPU time, paging and memory, a resource crunch in the OS will automatically slow down the database performance. An idle time of 30% for the CPU is an indication of resource availability.
C. Check whether the Oracle shared processes are running at the OS level
D. Disk access times can be found in transaction ST04, this gives response time for the data files information of the access times for queries, if response time is more than 10ms, reorganization or distribution of data files is recommended.
Ans: A, B and D
13) Which of the following are recommendations for a login load balancing? (choose all that apply.)
A. In a landscape with several application server instances, specific servers should be assigned to specific application workgroup.
B. It is not practical to assign separate application servers if the users are not using many application components, common logon groups are recommended.
C. Always have more than one application server in a logon group so that users are directed to the available server in case one is down.
D. If there are two application servers assign each server to a separate logon group to optimize the resources.
Ans: C and D
14) How does SAP Web application server function as a Web server and a Web client? (Choose all that apply.)
A. SAP WAS can create a HTTP request in an ABAP program in its Client Role.
B. SAP WAS can accept HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP protocols from a Web Client.
C. A configured J2EE server alone acts a web Server.
D. The in-built HTTP application server, with or without J2EE server can be a Web server and also a Web Client.
Ans) B
15) Which of the following is NOT one of the security features provided in the SAP WAS?
A. SAP trust manager supports the use of public-key technology to establish trust infrastructure. The trust manager performs the PSE and certificate maintenance functions such as generating key pairs, creating certificate requests to be signed by a Certification Authority (CA), and maintaining the list of trusted CAs that the server accepts.
B. SAP WAS supports the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.
C. Information about system resources and system services (system ID, application configuration, printer configuration) requires kerberos authentication.
D. User authentication is provided using either logon tickets or X.509 client certificates.
16) What are the advantages of using a SAP Web dispatcher? (Choose all that apply.)
A. SAP web dispatcher can be a one point access for HTTP(S) providing load balancing, by dispatching the request to the server with the greatest capacity.
B. SAP web dispatcher decides whether the incoming HTTP request be forwarded to ABAP or a J2EE server, it determines the group of servers that could execute the request. Load is then balanced within this group.
C. Web dispatcher can also be used to start and stop the sap web server.
D. SAP Web dispatcher is useful for load balancing in the Web environment. In the classic SAP system, load balancing is done by the message server
17) Which one of the following step cannot lead to a clue if problems occur during startup of SAP application on Windows platform?
A. Check the startup log located in the work directory, Check the trace files of the individual SAP processes, dev_ms for developer trace of message server, dev_disp for developer trace of dispatcher, dev_w (m number of work process) for developer trace of work processes.
B. Event Viewer to access the Administrative Tools (Common) Select Programs Application. You are shown aWindows event log. In the menu bar, select Log list of errors, warnings, and information generated by the application software. You can display detailed information by clicking on a particular log.
C. Check if Windows operating system password has been changed for the SIDadm user.
D. Check that the SAP service (SAP_, e.g. SAPC11_00) was started.
18) Some users experience slow response time and others experience good response time on a regular day when accessing a SAP application. What could be the possible reasons? (Choose all that apply.)
A. A database lock created automatically by the system in a users transaction, can lock the update for a particular object, other users required to use the same transaction have to wait until the lock is released.
B. Database may not be available at this point of time.
C. Dialog processes have been loaded with long running dialog steps, a few users have occupied many dialog work processes. And the remaining dialog work processes have to attend a large number of users, who face long response time.
D. One or more work processes must have been in PRIV mode, check sm66 for the work process status.
19) Which of the following statements are true regarding the startup procedure of an SAP system on Windows OS? (Choose all that apply.)
A. R/3 processes read the instance profile for the parameter values and start accordingly.
B. Sapstart triggered from the SAP MMC console program starts the message server, dispatcher, collector and the sender. On a dialog instance, message server is not started.
C. R/3 processes read the appropriate parameters from a C source in the R/3 kernel, these values are replaced from the values in the default profile and the instance profile subsequently.
D. Work processes are created according to the information provided in the profiles. And the work processes get connected to the database.
20) What is zero administration memory management, in reference to Windows operating system, how effective is it? (choose all that apply.)
A. Zero administration memory management works by dynamically managed extended memory, providing a nearly unlimited memory resource.
B. Since most of the user context data is located in the extended memory instead of local memory, memory utilization is very efficient.
C. Unlimited memory is allocated to individual work processes, ensuring the completeness of the user request.
D. Under zero administration memory management, extended memory extends itself as user requirement increases, however, the max limit for this extension is the Windows page file.