Scheduled Backup SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE failed
Dear All,
OS : AIX, DB :Oracle , SAP ECC6.0
I got an error and online backup has scheduled in DB13 ( Production Server) when its reach the backup time its showing error.
NOTE: Production Server Backup has Automated, If I Execute Immediately, backup is running as well backup is running, if I use BRtools.
My Query is Scheduled Backup is not working in my Case...
Status : Scheduled failed
30.11.2009 17:26:56 Job started
30.11.2009 17:26:56 Step 001 started (program RSDBAJOB, variant &0000000000672, user ID BASIS)
30.11.2009 17:26:56 No application server found on database host - rsh/gateway will be used
30.11.2009 17:26:56 Execute logical command BRBACKUP On host PRODORADB
30.11.2009 17:26:56 Parameters:-u / -jid ALLOG20091130172655 -c force -t online -m all -p -a -c force -p initIRP
30.11.2009 17:26:56 -cds
30.11.2009 17:27:28 SXPG_STEP_XPG_START: is_local_host: rc = 403
30.11.2009 17:27:28 SXPG_STEP_XPG_START: host = PRODORADB
30.11.2009 17:27:28 SXPG_STEP_XPG_START: is_local_r3_host: rc = 802
30.11.2009 17:27:28 SXPG_STEP_XPG_START: RFC_TCPIP_CONNECTION_OPEN: rc = 1003
30.11.2009 17:27:28 SXPG_STEP_COMMAND_START: SXPG_STEP_XPG_START returned: 1.003
30.11.2009 17:27:28 SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE(LONG)
30.11.2009 17:27:28 = 20091130172728
30.11.2009 17:27:28 COMMANDNAME = BRBACKUP
30.11.2009 17:27:28 ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS =
30.11.2009 17:27:28 -u / -jid ALLOG20091130172655 -c force -t online -
30.11.2009 17:27:28 m all -p -a -c force -p initIRP
30.11.2009 17:27:28 -cds
30.11.2009 17:27:28 LONG_PARAMS
30.11.2009 17:27:28 OPERATINGSYSTEM = ANYOS
30.11.2009 17:27:28 TARGETSYSTEM = PRODORADB
30.11.2009 17:27:28 DESTINATION
30.11.2009 17:27:28 SY-SUBRC = 1003
30.11.2009 17:27:28 SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE failed for BRBACKUP - Reason: program_start_error: For More Information, See SYS
30.11.2009 17:27:28 Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE
Please give suggestion to solve this issue