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Table Mass Change

Updated May 19, 2018

In the Mass change function itself:
You are in the selection screen for mass changes.

You have maintained the selection criteria for the required projects and/or networks, but have not yet selected any fields. There is no green checkmark in the Enter field values for mass changes field.

Assuming that you want to make some changes to the field content of table MAKT - Material Descriptions :-

Transaction code MASS
Object type BUS1001
Click Execute
Fill in the Selection Criteria and Click Execute 
Select Row table MAKT
Click the Select Fields button
Select the field you want to change by moving it to the Selection Criteria
Hit Enter
Click the Test Changes button to check for errors
Finally, click Save to confirm the new values

You can select multiple table if you need additional table field e.g. MARC :- Plant Data for Material.
This is done if you need more selection criteria. e.g. selection by plant and material.
At the Selection Criteria Screen, you can click Choose Selection Fields button for more selection fields.

When the system has finished the mass changes (or test run) the log is displayed. If the system could execute the changes, you can see information in the log about every object that was changed. You can display the log with one line for each entry, which is a simple confirmation, or with two lines with more details for each entry.

If the system could not execute some changes, because fields did not meet the prerequisites, the entries are highlighted in red.

