Hi Basis Guru,
We encounter the following error on all our SAP standard report .Could you please assist what we should do now.
Date and Time 14.11.2008 09:06:40
Short text
Error in ABAP/4 statement when processing an internal table.
What happened?
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "SAPDBPNP" had to be terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
Error analysis
When changing or deleting one or more lines of the internal table
"PROGRAM=ZBNPPARR001DATA=%_ITAB_MODIFY_LIST" or when inserting in the table
the line index. An index less than or equal to zero is not
The error can occur when using the following options:
1. "INDEX idx" for specifying the line number in the table
where you want to change, insert or delete.
2. "FROM idx" for specifying the start index when deleting a line
area from or inserting a line area into the table
3. "TO idx" for specifying the end index when deleting a line
area from or inserting a line area into the table
At the time of the termination, the table contained 0 lines.
Your help is very much appreciated.
Thank you