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TABLE_INVALID_INDEX Error on all our SAP Standard Report

Updated May 18, 2018

Hi Basis Guru,
We encounter the following error on all our SAP standard report .Could you please assist what we should do now. 
Runtime Errors         TABLE_INVALID_INDEX
Date and Time          14.11.2008 09:06:40
 Short text
     Error in ABAP/4 statement when processing an internal table.
 What happened?
     Error in the ABAP Application Program
     The current ABAP program "SAPDBPNP" had to be terminated because it has
     come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
Error analysis
    When changing or deleting one or more lines of the internal table
    "PROGRAM=ZBNPPARR001DATA=%_ITAB_MODIFY_LIST" or when inserting in the table
    the line index. An index less than or equal to zero is not
    The error can occur when using the following options:
    1. "INDEX idx" for specifying the line number in the table
       where you want to change, insert or delete.
    2. "FROM idx" for specifying the start index when deleting a line
       area from or inserting a line area into the table
    3. "TO idx" for specifying the end index when deleting a line
       area from or inserting a line area into the table
    At the time of the termination, the table contained 0 lines.
Your help is very much appreciated.
Thank you


  • 16 Dec 2010 2:40 pm Guest
    This is no a basis issue. Check Note 166487 - TABLE_INVALID_INDEX in FI/CO interface

