Managing the day to day operations of an organization is certainly not an easy task. There are so many things to be worked upon right from managing the pricing, planning for the product, finance and accounting, how to deal with inventory, working around the payroll. While these tasks can be quite time consuming and difficult to deal with. ERP Software for small and medium business do make our lives simpler and enable us to be more efficient and effectively use our valuable time.
ADempiere ERP Business Suite
Adempiere has played a pivotal role in the world wide web, more commonly referred to as www. Java as a technology platform and this is now known as an Apache HTTP Server. This has been recognized as the worlds most used web server software. The development of this Apache sever began in the year 1955. The logs of Apache can be analysed by browsing through the net by involving the free scripts. Graphcal user interface supports Apache along with configurable error messages, content negotiations.
is a web based tool and uses Python, Javascript, PostgreSQL as technology platforms. This was renamed from OPENERP as the functionality is more than an ERP. AGPLv3 is the software license used by Odoo. This software provides services related to purchasing, inventory management, billing, accounting, manufacturing, and purchasing. Upon using Odoo your life will definitely become more simple and uncomplicated.
Openbravo ERP
is the software which is generally used at the Point of sale, when a retail transaction gets completed. This is generally used in shopping marts or malls where people go to shop and this is also an ERP software. The technology platforms being utilized by Openbravo ERP is Java, PostgreSQL and Oracle.
has been designed keeping the large and mid-segment in mind. One can manage multiple features such as financials, manage inventory, manufacturing, and purchasing. One can also derive an analytical picture which will allow you to get an analytical viewpoint for your business when using this software. The add-ons and additional modules provides you an easy access to enhanced capabilities.
This is Web application (LAMP) based system, which represents PHP programming language Apache HTTP Server, the MySQL relational database management system (RDBMS), which is utilized for managing small and medium companies, foundations or freelancers. The components of LAMP can be interchanged. The technology platforms being used by Dolibarr PostgreSQL, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
The technology platforms being used by ERP5 are -Python, JavaScript, Zope, MariaDB or MySQL. This software has been based on unified model for mid to large size organizations. The unified model is a single one which describe all its components. This approach to enterprise modelling was introduced in 2002 by Carvalho and Smets.
has been designed specifically to cater the needs of the small and medium-size businesses. Python, JavaScript, MySQL are some of the technology platforms used in the software. Some of the modules used by ERPNext are related to sales, project management, for accounting, managing inventory and purchase.
is a software which primarily focuses on reporting, accounting, light manufacturing, and basic MRP of a project. This is a free software double entry accounting and ERP) system. The date in accounting is stored in a SQL database server and a standard web browser can be used as its user interface.
Adaxa Suite
this software has been integrated using Adempiere/iDempiere. iDempiere has CRM Customer Relationship Management along with SCM Supply Chain Management functions. This comes out in stark contrast with the other proprietary resources which are driven only by a community of supporters. Adaxa used JAVA for its platform technology.
was acquired by Acquired by Consona Corporation in June 2010. Java is the platform technology used for Compiere. The software was developed in USA.
GNU Enterprise
This was aimed at developing a complete enterprise level business environment. The present scope of GNU Enterprise is restricted to a set of tools meant for developing interactive database applications.
This is an open source ERP suite was originally developed by Helium V IT-Solutions GmbH in Austria in the year 2005. The main focus areas of this software is electronic manufacturing. The software focuses on small and medium-sized companies.
ino erp
This is an open source php based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application. The main objective of ino ERP is to provide a dynamic pull based system where there are frequent changes in the demand and supply changes and traditional planning systems are not good enough to provide the required support.
JFire is an ERP and a CRM also. The software has been written in JAVA and based on the Java EE 5 (formerly J2EE), JDO 2, Eclipse RCP 3 technologies.
Is an accounting program and was developed as an open source web-based Enterprise resource planning (ERP) application which is free.
List of Free and open-source ERP software:
Name | Platform Technology | Software license | Description | Countries of origin | Last stable release date |
Adaxa Suite | Java | GPL | Integrated ERP built on Adempiere / iDempiere | Australia | |
Adempiere | Java | GPL | Began as a fork, Apache HTTP Server | Apache License 2.0 | 2015 (3.8 LTS) |
Apache OFBiz | Java | Apache License2.0 | Business Solutions and Applications Framework from the Apache Software Foundation | Worldwide | 2014 (12.04.04) |
Compiere | Java | GPL/Commercial | Acquired by Consona Corporation in June 2010 | USA | 2010 (3.3.0) |
Dolibarr | JavaScript, PHP, MySQL or PostgreSQL | GPLv3 | Web application (LAMP based system) to manage small and medium companies, foundations or freelancers | France | 2015 (3.6.2) |
Epesi | PHP, MySQL | MIT license | A framework for building ERP applications | Poland, USA | 2015 (1.6.3) |
ERP5 | Python, JavaScript, Zope, MariaDB or MySQL | GPL | Based on unified model for mid to large size organizations | Worldwide | 2014 (5.5) |
ERPNEXT | Python, JavaScript, MySQL | GPL | ERP for small and medium-size businesses | India | 2014 (4.1.0) |
FrontAccounting | PHP, MySQL | GPLv3 | Web application | ? | 2014 (2.3.21) |
GNU Enterprise | Python | GPLv3 | Tools to develop interactive database applications | ? | 2010 |
HeliumV | Java | AGPL | ERP for small and medium-size businesses (initial focus has been electronic manufacturing) | Austria,Germany | ? |
iDempiere | Java | GPLv2 | OSGI + Adempiere | Worldwide | 2015 (3.1) |
ino erp | PHP, JavaScript, MySQL | MPL | First Dynamic Pull Based ERP System;Designed to provide better Inventory Turn | Singapore | 2015 (0.3.1) |
JFire | Java, Eclipse | LGPL | ERP and CRM system | Germany | 2011 (1.2.0) |
Kuali | ERP for higher education institutions | USA | |||
LedgerSMB | Perl, PostgreSQL | GPL | Double entry accounting and ERP system (fork of SQL-Ledger) | Worldwide | 2014 (1.4.7) |
Openbravo | Java, PostgreSQL, Oracle | OBPL1 | ERP and Point of Sale (POS) software | Spain | 2013 (3.0) |
Odoo | Python, Javascript, PostgreSQL | AGPLv3 | Renamed from OpenERP to reflect that is more than just ERP | Worldwide | 2015 (9.0) |
Phreedom | PHP, Javascript, MySQL | GPLv3 | Expanded from Phreebooks accounting engine | USA | 2012 (3.4) |
Postbooks | C++, JavaScript, PostgreSQL | CPAL | Accounting, CRM and ERP | USA | 2014 (4.5.0) |
SQL-Ledger | Perl, PostgreSQL | GPL | Double entry accounting and ERP system | Canada | 2014 (3.0.6) |
Tryton | Python, GTK+ | GPLv3 | Originally forked from TinyERP, cleaned-up code base with continuous update/migration path | ? | 2015 (3.8) |
WebERP | PHP, MySQL | GPLv2 | LAMP-based system | ? | 2015 (4.12.2) |
Source: Wikipedia