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Transaction Types

Updated May 18, 2018

When settling from an AUC, the end user received 2 separate entries, 1 with TTY 339 (Acquiring transfer of CY acquis from inv measure) for
-$45,987.58 and another with TTY 338(Retirement trnsfr of PY acquis from inv measure) for $5,987.58, net of $40,000. The receiving asset posted the same dollars but with transactions 336 for $45,987.58 and 331 for
-$5,987.58, netting to $40k. I'm new to IM so I'm thinking it has to deal with that.

The reason for the two separate entries is that you have charges from two different years on your order or project...and SAP keeps track of these charges separately by using different transaction types (TTY)

TTY 331 is the DR on the final asset for prior-year charges

TTY 336 is the DR on the final asset for current-year charges

TTY 338 is for the CR on the AuC asset for prior-year charges

TTY 339 is for the CR on the AuC asset for current-year charges
