- MEMASSPO Mass maintenance of POs
- MEMASSRQ Mass maintenance of PRs
- MEMASSSA Mass Maintenance of Scheduling Agreements
- MEMASSIN Mass Maintenance of info records
- MEMASSCONTRACT Mass Maintenance of Contracts
- XK99 Mass Maintenance of vendors
LISTS T-codes
- ME2L POs by Vendor
- ME2M POs by material
- ME2K POs by account assignment
- ME2C POs by material group
- ME2B POs by Requirement tracking number
- ME2N POs by PO number
- ME2W POs by supplying plant
- MELB Purchasing documents per purchasing tracking number
- ME2S Planned / Actual comparison for POs with external services
- ME80FN General list of POs
- ME81N Analysis of PO value
- ME2A Monitor vendor confirmations (Order acks, inbound deliveries)
- ME92F Monitor Order acknowledgements for PRs
- MCE3 PIS - Vendor
- MCE5 PIS - Material group
- MCE7 PIS - Material
- ME6H PIS - Vendor Evaluation (On time delivery, Shipping instructions, qty reliability, shipping notification ...)
- MCW3 Vendor Invoice by Purch Org
- MCW1 Vendor Payment by org data
- MCEA Long term planning - Vendor
- ME1L Info records by vendor
- ME1M Info records by material
- MKVZ List of vendors (purchasing)
- ME65 Vendor evaluation by ranking
- ME2V Goods receipt forecast (Expected GR for a plant on a particular day)
- ME21N Create PO
- VL31N Create inbound delivery
- ME51N Create purchase requisition
- ME31K Create Contract
- ME35K Release from contract
- VL75 Output for inbound deliveries
- MIGO Goods receipt
- MIRO Logistics Invoice Verification
- ME87 PO history records
- EXPD Progress tracking for Purchase Orders
- ME9F Output for POs
- ME91F Output for PO reminders
- ME56 Assign PR
- ME57 Assign PR and process
- ME58 Create PO from assignment
- ME59N Create PO automatically from PRs
- MECCM Send purchasing data from contract to catalog
- ME3P Set prices (background) on contract
- ME9K Output for Contracts
- ME92K Monitor order acknowledgements
- ME31L Create Scheduling agreement
- ME38 Maintain delivery schedule for Scheduling Agreement
- ME9EOutput of Scheduling Agreements
- ME84 Create scheduling agreement release
- ME41 Create RFQ
- ME45 Release RFQ
- ME47 Create quotation
- ME47 Price comparison
- ME11 Create info record
- ME14 Display changes to Info Records
- ME15 Flag info record for deletion
- ME01 Create source list
- ME04 Source list changes
- MEQ1 Create quota arrangement
- MEQ4 Quota arrangement changes
- MP01 Maintain approved manufacturer parts
- XK01 Create vendor (Central)
- XK07 Account group change
- MK01 Create vendor (purchasing)
- MK04 Vendor account changes (purchasing)
- MK05 Block vendor (purchasing)
- MK06 Flag vendor for deletion
- MPE1 Create buyer
- MKH1 Vendor hierarchy
- ME61 Create vendor evaluation
- MEK1 Create condition records
- MEKA Condition record overview
- MN01 Quote
- MN04 PO
- MN07 Outline agreement
- MN10 Scheduling Agreement Delivery Schedule
- MN24 Inbound delivery