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Updated May 18, 2018


Hello SAP Experts,

I am getting a short dump TSV_UNIQUE_NUMBER_OVERFLOW or RUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR occurs. If the dump RUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR occurs then the Internal Notes have the following text as stated below:

'Counter of tabhSTOREs is full '.

Please help me resolve this error.


  • 23 Jan 2017 1:07 pm Romil Tripathi Helpful Answer

    A number is assigned to each table body while its creation. As this numbers assigned are unique in the roll area and a counter is a four-byte number, therefore the maximum 294967295 new table bodies can be created and an error occurs when the number of tables exceeds maximum limit.

  • 23 Jan 2017 1:08 pm Rohit Mahajan Helpful Answer

    In order to resolve this error you should first shorten the runtime of the roll area in order to stop the creation of so many table bodies but if you are unable to optimize anything on the application side then you can set the undocumented profile parameter abap/allow_tabhid2_ovfl to 1 in the instance profile. However, no more memory snapshots can be made in the internal session in which the overflow occurred.    
