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Unlock SAP system to perform correction during upgrade

Updated May 20, 2018

How to unlock SAP system to perform correction during an upgrade?

While trying to login user getting an error message:

Upgrade in progress: no login is possible


1) In order to unlock the SAP system please enter the following command. The user's system can be either the original SAP system or it can be shadow system, depending on which error will occur.

Error on original SAP system

cd /<update directory>/abap/bin
./SAPup unlocksys

Error on shadow system

cd /<update directory>/abap/bin
SAPup unlockshd

2) Now you need to solve these error by logging in to your system 

3) Now in order to lock your original SAP system or Shadow system  please enter the following commands:

For Original SAP system

cd /<update directory>/abap/bin
./SAPup locksys

For Shadow system

cd /<update directory>/abap/bin
SAPup lockshd
