Additional User Exits in Billing Document
Fill in the fields in VBRK/VBRP tables - USEREXIT_FILL_VBRK_VBRP in the include RV60AFZC.
Determine the number range for internal document number - USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE_INV_DATE in the include RV60AFZC.
User exits for printing - include RV61AFZB
User Exits For Product Allocation Processing
The following SAP enhancements are available for the area of 'product allocation':
•SDQUX0001 Function module exit for enhanced check-in SD product allocation User Exits For Availability Check
The user exits named here are planned for projects that are to be carried out in agreement with SAP development as they may only be used in consultation with SAP. SAP provides no guarantee if they are used without our advice!
USEREXIT_PLANT_SELECTION in program RV03VFZZ is an exception to this rule (see below).
User exits in program FV45VFZZ
User exits in program FV45VFZY
User exits in program RV03VFZZ
This user exit is used to adjust the flow during plant transfer. A list of permitted plants, where this material is created, is determined and checked in the standard SAP R/3 delivery. A dialog box appears where you can select the plants. The user exits allow you to modify the plant table so that plant selection takes place in advance for every flagged selection and a dialog box becomes unnecessary.
User Exits For Component Supply Processing
User Exits in Programm MV45AFZC
The following user exits are available for checking customer reserve fields from VBLB-USR01 to VBLB-USR05. The reserve fields are used in the component supplier industry. The system calls them in the screen flow logic for header data in forecast and JIT delivery schedules:
Using transactions SMOD and CMOD
Function module V45L0001 is available as a SAP extension for the component supplier industry. It contains the following user exits:
Related: Difference between SMOD and CMOD in SAP
You can use this user exit to overwrite the standard method with which the system determines the recipient of messages (either at sales document level or in the customer master record). You can define a special recipient for an incoming document that has just been processed.
For delivery schedules
The system checks an incoming delivery schedule against the current/old delivery schedule to determine if there are any differences.
The user exit is called up at the end of this standard tolerance check at which time you can process or change data.
With this user exit, you can change the VBLB structure (sales document: delivery schedule data), before the system copies delivery schedule data to the corresponding internal table.
Planned delivery schedules
This user exit allows you to process schedule lines generated automatically in a planning delivery schedule.
This user exit allows you to modify the calendar used in a delivery schedule split.
For delivery orders (MAIS)
This user exit enables you to control how the system copies packing proposals into the outbound delivery order.
For workflow
These user exits allow you to change the workflow parameters for processing inbound EDI messages.
For the self-billing procedure
You can use these user exits for the standard self-billing procedure.
You can use these user exits for the self-billing procedure with invoice creation.
User Exits For Product Selection
The following SAP extensions are available for the area of Product Selection
•V45A0001 Function module exit for developing alternative materials for product selection*
User Exits For Resource-Related Billing
You can use the following user exits for resource-related billing before Release 4.5A:
- RV45HFZZ enhancement
You can use the following user exits for resource-related billing as of Release 4.5A:
- V46H0001 enhancement
- EXIT_SAPLV46H_002User Exits For Billing
- USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE (Module pool SAPLV60A, program RV60AFZZ)
The internal number range used in the standard system is specified in the billing type table and can be changed in this user exit. This user exit is only called when the billing documents are created.
In this user exit, additional fields for account determination that are not provided in the standard system are copied into communication structure KOMKCV (header fields).
In this user exit, additional fields for account determination that are not provided in the standard system are copied into communication structure KOMPCV (item fields).
Depending on the number range, table TVFKD is used to set the billing date (country-specific requirements in Italy). USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE is automatically deactivated when this user exit is being applied.
This user exit is only called when the billing document is created. It is used to provide the header and the item of the new billing document with deviating or additional data.
•USEREXIT_PRINT_ITEM (Module pool SAPLV61A, program RV61AFZB)
Printing the item line of a billing document can be supplemented or changed.
•USEREXIT_PRINT_HEAD (Module pool SAPLV61A, Programm RV61AFZB)
Printing the header line of a billing document can be supplemented or changed.
•User exits in program RV60AFZD
Short descriptions of the user exits are contained in the program:
The following user exits are available in report SAPLV60B for transfer to accounting (function group V60B):
•EXIT_SAPLV60B_001: Change the header data in the structure acchd
You can use this exit to influence the header information of the accounting document. For example, you can change the business transaction, "created on" date and time, the name of the person who created it or the transaction with which the document was created.
•EXIT_SAPLV60B_002: Change the customer line ACCIT
You can use this exit to change the customer line in the accounting document. This exit is processed once the ACCIT structure is filled in with data from document header VBRK.
•EXIT_SAPLV60B_003: Change the customer line in costing
The customer line is filled in differently for costing. You can use exit 003 to influence the ACCIT structure.
•EXIT_SAPLV60B_004: Change a GL account item ACCIT You can add information to a GL account item (such as quantity specifications) with this exit.
•EXIT_SAPLV60B_005: User exit for accruals
Once all relevant data for accruals was entered in the GL account item, you can add to this data with this exit.
•EXIT_SAPLV60B_006: Change the control line ACCIT
You can use exit 006 to add information to the control line.
•EXIT_SAPLV60B_007: Change the instalment plan
You can use exit 007 to add information to the instalment plan
parameters in the GL account item.
•EXIT_SAPLV60B_008: Change the transfer structure ACCCR, ACCIT and ACCHD
After the accounting document is filled in with data, you can use exit 008 to change the document once again.
•EXIT_SAPLV60B_010: Item table for customer lines
You can use exit 10 to influence the contents of customer lines before they are created.
•EXIT_SAPLV60B_0011: Change the parameter for cash account determination or reconciliation account determination
You can use this exit to change inbound parameters in order to influence account determination.
User Exits For General Billing Interface
With this user exit for the general billing interface, deviating address data for different partner functions can be copied from the interface.
With this user exit for the general billing interface, new partner functions can be copied from the interface.
With this user exit for the general billing interface, a key field can be added in the aggregated flow.
Special user exit for the general billing interface with which a key field can be added in the aggregated flow.
User Exits For Sales Support
In Sales Support, you can use the following SAP enhancements:
•MCV2001 - Expand LIS fields for sales activities/sales promotions. This enhancement contains the following user exit:
•V43MLIS - Expand LIS fields for address lists. This enhancement contains the following user exit:
•V43K0001 - Enhancement for linking to a calendar. This enhancement contains the following user exit:
•V43ADATA - Change sales activity data in the dialog. This enhancement contains the following user exit:
User Exits For Lists
User Exits in Program RVKPR002 (Customer Expected Price)
RVKPRFZ1 This allows the list structure of individual fields to be filled on header and item levels.
RVKPRFZ2 This allows the sort sequence for the first issue of the list to be defined.
RVKPRFZ1 This allows you to deposit your own user codes.
RVKPRFZ1 This allows you to create your own list headings.
There are two additional user exits for listing sales documents, which influence the way in which the communication structure is filled. These user exits do not affect the structure of the list but the way in which the data is transferred and how the new additional fields are filled.
User Exits for Payment Cards
Include MV45AFZH contains the user exit AUTHORIZATION_VALUE_SPLIT.
You can use this user exit to initiate the system to create several authorizations in the sales order at the same time. This might be appropriate when different shipping points are assigned to the items and therefore several shipments will be created for a sales order.