How to clear line for Vendor down payment for GST India?
Following are the steps involved in for Vendors Down payment:
- First, configure Vendor down payment.
- Now execute the t-code F-48.
- Now the GST will be calculated on the net amount.
Follow the steps below in order to clear line for Vendor down payment for GST India:
1) First, you have to set "-B" "tax category" for " Down payment SP GL account" for Vendors.
2) Then you have to maintain your "sp gl Indicator" at field " Input tax clearing "(4th field) in the transaction code OBYR.
3) Now you have to maintain the GL account (clearing GL) for T-code VVA (Input tax clearing on down payment)
- against your "sp gl indicato" at OBXB
- "Input tax clearing on down payments" VVA ticked for vendors
4) At last save the changes.