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Difference between Checktable and Search Help

Updated May 18, 2018

There is a lot of difference between searchhelp and check table.

Check table is a master table. Like T000 for client, t001w for company codes, TCURC for currency. When we write code like 'PARAMETER V_WERKS LIKE MARC-WERKS OBLIGATORY VALUE CHECK' the value we entered will be cross checked with the table T001W for existence. 

But Search help is some thing which pops-up when we press F4. It shows a list of values of available for that field from a particular table. There is no checking scenario in search help. While developing a ztable for example assume that you have a currecy field. Then you need to establish a foreign key with a currency key field in TCURC etc. Hope this explanation has given you some clarity regarding difference between check table and search help.
