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What is the user of SAP Logical Spool Server ?

Updated May 18, 2018

In Spool server there are two type of spool server

1. Real or physical
2. Logical

The logical server is mapped directly or indirectly to real spool server.

My Q is that if the logical server is mapped to real server then how it can help in load balancing because the printing work is done by the Real server only ?


  • 30 Dec 2005 12:47 am Hari
    we can create a logical server and can map that logical server to
    two different real server. for eg there can be two real servers say
    REAL1 and REAL2, one logical server LOGSRV.

    we can map this LOGSRV to the REAL1 and REAL2 servers, and this way
    users are pointing to LOGSRV only but depending upon the load on
    each of the real servers the spool request will be sent to either of
    the real servers and this way it helps in LOAD balancing.

    this can be done in SPAD, while defining server, there is option to
    create a logical server and after creating it asks for server
    mapping and an alternate server, there u also have option of load
    balancing. check it.
