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Transactional RFC (tRFC)

Updated May 18, 2018

What is Transactional RFC (tRFC)? 

To make the execution of RFC functions reliable, safe and independent from the availability of the RFC server or RFC server system, the transactional RFC (tRFC) was introduced for R/3 systems from Release 3.0 onwards,data can be tranferred between two R/3 systems. This ensures that the called function module is executed only once in the RFC server system.

It is an advanced version of ARFC and SRFC. The request goes to receiving system if it is not handled a Transaction ID is generated by the source system. A program RSARFCSE is scheduled in the background to run for every 60 seconds.

Transaction SM58 is used for Transactional RFC. It is used to document all the transactional ID's and ensure that they are received by the recipient system.

This is consistence and reliable.

Example : Central user administration.

A user is created in the parent client and transferred to the child client when they are available?
