SAP GUI 7.20 - replacement of SAPWORKDIR
Starting with SAP GUI for Windows 7.20 the local working directory SAPWORKDIR is obsolete and a new Windows compliant structure is used.
Windows offers dedicated directories in which applications can store their application specific data like configuration files, temporary files, etc.
There are two Application Data directories:
- One of those directories is intended for data that should be available to roaming users on whatever machine they log on to. This is the Application Data directory located directly below the user profile directory and it can be reached using the environment variable %APPDATA%.
- The second Application Data directory is intended for data that will only be needed on the local machine, i.e. will not be missed by a user when he logs on to a different machine. The data in this directory is not available to roaming users.
Directories used with SAP GUI for Windows 7.20 and higher:
1. The configuration files of the SAP GUI will be located in the directory %APPDATA%SAP...
- SAP Logon configuration files (saplogon.ini, sapshcut.ini, SAPLogonTree.xml, saprules.xml)
Windows XP:
C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataSAPCommon
Windows Vista/7:
Input History database
Windows XP:
C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataSAPSAP GUIHistory
Windows Vista/7:
C:UsersAppDataRoamingSAPSAP GUIHistory
Remark: the directory for the history database can also be set to another default with the variable SetSapGuiHistoryDir while creating installation packages using the "SAP Installation Server Administration Tool".
The corresponding registry key is
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareSAPSAP Shared]"SaphistoryDir" on 32bit operating systems and
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareWow6432NodeSAPSAP Shared]"SaphistoryDir" on 64bit operating systems
(Type: "Expandable String Value" NOT "String" !!!).
New ABAP Editor Configuration
Windows XP:
C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataSAPSAP GUIABAP Editor
Windows Vista/7:
C:UsersAppDataRoamingSAPSAP GUIABAP Editor
SAP GUI Scripts:
Windows XP:
C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataSAPSAP GUIScripts
Windows Vista/7:
C:UsersAppDataRoamingSAPSAP GUIScripts
2. In the local Application Data directory temporary files, traces, cache, etc. are stored:
Folder for temporary documents
Windows XP:
C:Documents and Settings Local SettingsApplication DataSAPSAP GUItmp
Windows Vista/7:
C:UsersAppDataLocalSAPSAP GUItmp
Important: Documents in the temporary directory will be deleted when SAP GUI is closed.
Files downloaded by the user
Windows XP:
C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsSAP
With SAP GUI 7.30 the default has changed to:
C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsSAPSAP GUI
Windows Vista/7:
With SAP GUI 7.30 the default has changed to:
C:UsersDocumentsSAPSAP GUI
Remark: the directory for the downloaded files can also be set to another default with the variable SETSAPWORKDIR while creating installation packages using the "SAP Installation Server Administration Tool".
The corresponding registry key is
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareSAPSAP Shared]"SapWorkDir" on 32bit operating systems and [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareWow6432NodeSAPSAP Shared]"SapWorkDir" on 64bit operating systems (Type: Expandable String Value).
Important: This registry value was always set by the installation for the SAP GUI for Windows 7.10 and earlier. The installer for the SAP GUI for Windows 7.20 will set this value only if a value has been specified in the "SAP Installation Server Administration Tool". Therefore, it can no longer be assumed that this registry value will exist on a client PC.
The folders for the temporary and user documents should therefore be determined using the corresponding methods in the class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES. The temporary document folder can be obtained using the method GET_TEMP_DIRECTORY and the document directory can be retrieved by means of the method GET_SAPGUI_WORKDIR.
Windows XP:
C:Documents and SettingsLocal SettingsApplication DataSAPSAP GUICache
Windows Vista/7:
C:UsersAppDataLocalSAPSAP GUICache
Comment: It would not make sense to have the cache in the roaming directory, because it is a local cache. Accessing the cache over the network would nullify the advantages that it would otherwise provide
Windows XP:
C:Documents and SettingsLocal SettingsApplication DataSAPSAP GUITraces
Windows Vista/7:
C:UsersAppDataLocalSAPSAP GUITraces