When we are displaying a table in transaction SE16 a Short dumps SYNTAX_ERROR, DYNPRO_NOT_FOUND, TIME_OUT, or CONNE_IMPORT_WRONG_COMP_LENG are displayed.
Short dumps are caused by an inconcistency in program /1BCDWB/DB*, which is generated automatically when table data is displayed.
For example, program /1BCDWB/DBMARA will be created when displaying table MARA in transaction SE16.
Transaction SE16 is purely designed as a development tool. It is not generally provided to be used for reporting in live operation, as per SAP 1499199.
Kindly follow the below points:
Regenerate the affected table in transaction SE16, as per below steps:
- Execute transaction SE16;
- Enter the affected table name;
Go to menu Table, and then click on option Generate Program (F8):
Then try to display the table again. The runtime error should no longer occur.