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Closing Cockpit Year End Closing Configuration limited to Four to Five Tasks

Updated May 21, 2018

Closing cockpit year end closing configuration that is limited to four to five task.

Initially goto access---extras---settings----select display technical names (to display the technical names)

Task 1

Create a template 100 year end with reference to the already present templates in the system for example 1_FC_MONTH

Closing hierarchy would be--controlling area/company code
Description template for year end closing
We need to change the values of the controlling area and select as a single value only, controlling area 1000 
We need to change the values for the company code and select as a single value only, company code IN22

Execution of task 1
Accounting-----financial accounting----general ledger----periodic processing---closing----CLOCOC closing cockpit (manage templates and task lists)

First switch to change mode (closing cockpit change)

Now goto menu: template/task list---other template/task list

Double click the standard template 1_FC_MONTH and then make a copy of this template

Choose template/tasklist---save as Template 100yearend

Closing hierarchy: controlling area/company code

Description template year end closing

In the organizational structure, position the cursor on the controlling area and right click and choose change values, Choose change selection, enter 1000 as single value, copy your entry and then 

choose exit. Again in the organizational structure position the cursor on the company code right click and choose change values. Choose change selection, enter IN22 as single value, copy your 

entry and then choose exit. 

Now “save your template”

Task 2

Create a subfolder for your company code folder:
Hierarchy level: folder
Description: closing test and then save your template

Execution of task 2:

In the organizational structure position the cursor on the company code, right click and select create subfolder
Hierarchy level: folder
Description: year end closing
Save your template

Task 3

Add tasks to the subfolder
Description : carrying forward the balance 
Responsible RC123
Processing RC123
(create new session systems—services---reporting enter the program name goto—variant---input the criteria accordingly and save as variant)
Variant: create a variant balc123
Variant: accordingly input variant criteria and save variant

Return to your task, under assignment to closing types, choose use in year end closing and save your template.

Task 3 execution

in the organizational structure position the cursor on your year end closing folder and right click and choose add task 

enter the following information
description  balance carry forward
responsible RC123
processing RC123

type of task:

program SAPFGVTR
Variant balc123
Choose create variants: screen assignment: select “for all selection screens”
Continue and save your template
(* for variant creation in attributes accordingly do selections for “T” tvarv variable or “D” dynamic date variables, for the fields in use)

Task 4

Add a second task to your closing test subfolder
Description vendor balance confirmation
Responsible RC123
Processing RC123

Type of task

Program sapf130k
Variant create vconf123
And accordingly make selections for the program 
Also make attribute selection for the variants

Execution of task 4:

In the organizational structure, position the cursor on your year end closing folder, right click and choose add task and enter the following information.

Description vendor balance confirmation
Responsible RC123
Processing RC123

Type of task:

Program sapf130k
Variant vconf123
Choose create
Choose further selections for the available fields and accordingly also make changes into the attributes of the variant
And save attributes
Return to your task, under assignment to year end closing choose “use in year end closing”

(note: repeat the same for customer balance confirmation sapf130d)
(printer selections should be made as per the availability in your system with printer name)

Task 5:

Add further tasks to the year end closing folder
Description foreign currency valuation
Responsible RC123
Processing RC123
Type of task
Variant forv123

For further selection of variants make selections accordingly and attributes to the variant to be selected as per the input fields (TVARV or Dynamic date calculation).

Task 5 Execution:

In the organizational structure, position the cursor on your year end closing folder, right click and choose add task, enter the following information.

Description foreign currency valuation
Responsible RC123
Processing RC123

Type of task:


Variant forv123

Choose create 

Accordingly enter further selection for the variant and attributes of the variant as 
applicable and then save the attributes.

Return to your task, under assignment to closing types , choose use in yer end closing.

Similarly the programs for the closing can be easily assigned to the task list, here we have considered only limited programs for practice purpose, one can consider dummy scenario and create 

as per the requirements.

Task 6:

Now create the task list and execute the same Key date today’s date Description task list 1

Closing type year end closing
Fiscal year current fiscal year
Posting period current period
Status released
Transfer and close

Execution of task 6:

Choose template/task list---create task list
Key date todays date
Description task list 1
Closing type 
year end closing
Fiscal year current fiscal year
Posting period current period
Status select released
Transfer and close

Save your task list

After the completion of the configuration above, test the programs/task list created.

Accounting---financial accounting----general ledger---periodic processing---closing---cloco closing cockpit

Switch to change mode.

Call up your task list template/task list—other template/task list

Expand template 100year end and double click the task list from today with the status “released”

Expand your organizational structure until you find the year end closing subfolder, double click the folder and try to execute the added or listed tasks in the folder.

Once successfully tested, close the window.


  • 08 Sep 2016 5:16 am Guest

    Best regards, thank you for this example.

    Please could be show me how insert dependencies? because with right click on task appear "Type" and "Text Message" but not otherr task to point dependencies.

    Thanks a lot.

    Socorro Pedraza
