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Difference between SL and GL

Updated May 18, 2018

Special ledger (SL) Vs. General ledger (GL)

In the attachment of note 764523 you can find the following reports:

  • ZZ_SL_ANALYSE_RELEASE40   for Release 4.0b - 45b
  • ZZ_SL_ANALYZE_RELEASE46   for Release 4.6x - 4.7

which help you to analyse the most common causes for differences in SL:

1. Object/Summary Table Inconsistency
2. Inconsistencies between summary table and line item table
3. Customizing settings
4. Missing documents (FI -> FI-SL)

If you have Object/Summary table Inconsistencies or inconsistencies between summary table and line item table you have to re-transfer the documents into SL or - in case line items exist - rebuild the summary table.

Item 1) and 2)
If the special ledger contains line items, you will have to rebuild  the summary table (see transaction GCD1).  

Please note: without line items, it is impossible to find missing  documents. In this case, the ledger has to be deleted and reposted  for the affected company code/period.

Please run RGUSLSEP to compare summary records with line items.

a) First,delete the summary table via transaction GCDE (select only the   flag "Total records ").
b) Rebuild your summary table via RGUREP01.

Read more here Difference between Classic GL and New GL

Item 3) Customizing settings which may cause differences between FI and FI-SL:

  • User exits may cause inconsistencies. Check the field movements  assigned, such as account, date, quantity).
  • Some activities may not have been assigned to the ledger.In GCU1, make  a test and check which documents have not been transferred.

Use GCD1 to check if the required activities have been assigned to the ledger .

The following acivities are G/L activities:


  • Sometimes, subsequent posting for FI postings needs to be activated in  GCL2 (Set the Posting indicator to '2' or '3' at the activity level)
  • Some documents may not have been transferred to the special ledger.

Use transaction GCU1 ,GCU3 ,GCU4 or GCU5 to identify missing documents  or Report ZZ_SL_ANALYZE.

  • Ledger selection. You can block documents if you deactivate the 'R' (required posting) flag using transaction GCL2.
  • When you have posted FI documents subsequently using transaction GCU1  some documents may not have been posted due to multiple assigned reference keys (AWREF, AWTYP, AWORG). In this case, please have a  look at note 685708.
  • If there are no line items, you can delete the ledger (via transaction  GCDE )and transfer the documents again(GCU1) If you still have problem  after this, please review note 434734 (report ZZUREP11/RGUREP11).

item 4) Missing Documents

  • Please check if all required activities are assigned
  • Use Report ZZ_SL_ANALYSE_RELEASE in order to find out which documents   are missing.
