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Generate a Diagnostic Dump for the HANA Database

Updated May 18, 2018

How to Generate Diagnostic Dump for the HANA database?

SAP HANA Appliance Crashes

We need to troubleshoot log files because SAP HANA Appliance crashes. Netweaver session can be done but HANA studio connection is not available. And we also required the relevant log files.

Hana Appliance crashes because of Software and hardware failure.

Please do as below:

  • You can generate a diagnostic dump of the database in the following way:

    HANA studio -> administrative perspective -> Diagnosis Files -> Diagnosis Information ->  Collect

    Depending on the version of the HANA Studio, the file can then be directly downloaded via: Diagnosis Information ->  Collect



  • A compressed file is written to the directory DIR_INSTANCE/global/sapcontrol/snapshots
