How to solve error "Incorrect account determination: 1000 EO 211101" comes during running foreign currency valuation on vendor and customer
To solve this error
1. Determine the valuation key
use T-code - FBKP->automatic postings->Exchange rate diffrences -> Transaction KDF
Define Profit and Loss GL account and balance adjustment account.
your reconciliation account sould not get directly impacted but still the open item balance on this account needs to be revaluated.
to reflect the correct forex value we use balance adjustment account... but it reversed value get reflected in next period only.
This program will post the difference in valuation - Gain / Loss to a P&L account type GL account and other side to another B/S type GL account - In case you have posted to Reco account - this wont get posted.
for FSVersion Reco account and B/S reval account GL should be grouped together for the correct presentation.
2. Implement the advance correction in accordance with the attached correction instructions or import the corresponding R/3 Support Package.