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Updated May 21, 2018

What is SAP HANA TImer?

SAP HANATimer is a tool which is used for scheduling database requests on a regular basis and measure runtime information.

SAP HANATimer is useful in scenarios like:

  • If user wants to know if runtime is even over time or if there are certain time frames with significant response time increases.
  • If user wants to see if runtimes suffer from specific scenarios, e.g. an increased delta storage or a high resource consumption.

SAP HANATimer is implemented using Python script.

This script is an expert tool designed by SAP support. SAP allows users to use it, but SAP doesn't take over any responsibility if in case any problems occurs from the use of this tool.

Install SAP HANATimer

SAP HANATimer can be installed in the following way:

  • First, you need to download the attached script
  • Then copy it to a directory on your SAP HANA database server

Note: Text-based 'copy and paste' can result in various issues, therefore please try to download file either directly to the database server or make sure that you use a file-based copy approach that doesn't modify the file content.

Once it is installed, you are done and can start using it. The following command provides you with an overview of the way how SAP HANATimer works and the available configuration options:

python --help 
