- Define Method and Function in Scala
How to create methods in Scala?Enter a keyword ‘def’ to define the function and then a function called show(). You need to use the ‘ ...
- Scala Environment Setup
How to Setup Scala Environment?1.Scala works on JVM and eclipse supports JVM so we can run Scala on eclipse.2.Go to the official website of Scala, you ...
- Code Example- Getting Started with Scala
First Scala Program 'Hello World' 1. In Java, if you want to print 'Hello World' then you have to write the following lines, ...
- Lambada expression and list of value in Scala
How to use function literals in Scala? To create a list in Java, write the following lines of code and import the package. public static voi ...
- Scala Type Hierarchy Overview
Scala type hierarchy vs Java type hierarchyIn Scala, you can mention the method name without a dot operator.When entering a list of numbers, it will r ...
- Define Complex Objects In Scala
List of Complex Objects In ScalaTo create a list of complex objects in Scala, follow the steps listed below. In this example, we will be creating a li ...
- Scala Classes and Objects
How to create Classes and Objects in Scala? Create a Class in Scala 1) You can create a Class in Scala using the command 'case class cl ...
- Reverse a List in Scala
How to reverse a list in Scala 1) Create a list for ex. 4,7,2,3. Use var nums = List(4,7,2,3) to create the list. 2) To reverse this ...