Tax Procedure Configuration for GST
1) Create Condition Table
These condition table combinations are for user reference with the help of these and you create your own condition table as per your business requirement.
Create Condition Table for Material
Transaction code: M/05
Method 1: Dest. Ctry/Region/PlntRegion/GST Class./Tax ind./Ctrl code/Tax code
Method 2: Region/PlntRegion/GST Class./Material/Tax code
Create Condition Table for Services
Transaction code: M/05
Method1: Region/PlntRegion/GST Class./Activity/Tax code
2) Create Access Sequence
Transaction code: OBQ2
Create Condition Type
Transaction code: OBQ1
Create Central GST condition type
Create State GST condition type
Create Integrated GST condition type
Create State GST Non-deductible condition type
Create Central GST Non-deductible condition type
Create Integrated GST Non-deductible condition type
Create Accounting key
Transaction code: OBCN
Central GST
Integrated GST
State GST
5) Update tax procedure - TAXINN
Transaction code: OBQ3
Note: This is an illustration of GST conditions only, steps may vary from actual,
GST conditions should get calculate on BASE condition, for Non-deductible conditions use standard non-deductible accounting key “ NVV” or your own accounting key
6) Maintain tax percentage rates
You may maintain the tax percentage rates using transaction code FV11, either based on the proposed access sequence or your own access sequence.
Pricing procedure configuration for GST
1.Create Condition table
Transaction code: V/05
Create condition table for material
Method1: Country/PlntRegion/TaxCl1Cust/TaxCl.Mat/Region/Ctrl code
Method 2: PlntRegion/Region/TaxCl1Cust/Material
Create condition table for services using transaction code V/05
Method 1: PlntRegion/Region/TaxCl1Cust/Activity
2.Create Access sequence
Transaction code: V/07
3.Create Condition types
Transaction code: V/06
Create output Central GST condition type
Create output State GST condition type
Create output Integrated GST condition type
4.Create Accounting key
Transaction code: OV34
Create sales accounting key for Central GST, Integrated GST and State GST
5.Update Pricing procedure – JINFAC
Transaction code: V/08
Note: This is an illustration of GST conditions only, steps may vary from actual, GST conditions should get calculate on BASE condition
Note: This document is a draft, and provided as a courtesy. This document is not to be considered final, and all information contained herein is subject to change. As such, this document is not to be quoted, cited in any reference, or used by anyone for any purpose other than as a draft document.