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How to update system year data and what do they mean?

Updated May 18, 2018

Update of system year data and its meaning

1. Field T093C-LGJAHR
In this field the system stores the current fiscal year of a company code. Usually, it is set by the fiscal year change. When you open a company code, it is derived from date of the legacy data transfer.

When you post to a fixed asset, ANLC entries for the current fiscal year T093C-LGJAHR are created, in case they do not yet exist. In general, the ANLC entries are created during the first posting to a fixed asset or during the fiscal year change.

When you post to a fixed asset for the first time, the system writes the greatest open fiscal year per depreciation area currently available into this field.
During the fiscal year change the field is set to the fiscal year to which you change.
The field ANLB-LGJAN corresponds to the entry with the greatest fiscal year in table ANLC for the corresponding depreciation area.

4. Number range interval for the internal document number of an asset document object FIAA-BELNR in table NRIV
The sysetm automatically generates the number range interval when the first posting in a new fiscal year is executed.
Thus, you can only see an entry after the first posting and, in particular, not directly after a fiscal year change or even before a fiscal year change. So the number range does not have to be maintained or delivered for every fiscal year.
